Home of the R2-KT Ambassadroid Corps of The United States
Harnessing the Force, Healing with Heart.
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QT-KT joins the ranks
Want to join the Ambassadroid Corps and Pink Force? Think "I live to close to another KT unit? Or maybe you just want to be a little different. QT-KT is now an officially cannon KT Droid. Join The Pink Side
Pink Force Logo Charity Patch Sale
Albin Johnson has announced an imminent sale of 4" Pink Force Logo Patches and stickers. As well as an 11" R2-KT patch Sale. Go to r2kt.com/r2-kt-stuff
For details and pricing.
Pink Force Needs YOU!
Pink Force is more than just a couple of cool pink droids running around doing charity. To be successful, we need a talented group of supporters ready to help us out. Are you an artist, Photographer, Web Site builder, Social Media enthusiast or maybe good at logistics? We are looking for people to help with our website, Social Media and other marketing efforts. Contact us at helpwanted@thepinkforceusa.org if you are interested.